Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

We had a nice Thanksgiving! Jacob got up early and went hunting. When the kids got up, we watched cartoons til the Macy's Day Parade came on then we watched that as we got ready for the day.


We went to Jacob's Gomama's house to celebrate Thanksgiving with his family at 1. Kylie played outside most of the time, getting her brand new white tights all dirty.

Logan & Brayden Photobucket

Kylie, Logan & Mason Photobucket

Aunt Cole with Brayden Photobucket

We left there around 3 and headed to my parents' house.


the best picture we got before getting scared Kylie was going to let go of Brayden and he would fall on the brick steps [He just about did!] Photobucket

Brayden got a boo-boo [but not from the steps]! :( Photobucket

Adult table centerpiece Photobucket

Kid table centerpiece Photobucket


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