Thursday, November 17, 2011

Brayden's 9 month Check-up!

Today Brayden had his 9 month check-up! He weighs 16.6lbs [gained a little over a pound & half in one month] and he's 28 inches long! He's still not on the chart as far as percentile for weight but he hasn't been for a while and he's 25% for height. Just for comparison purposes, at 9 months, Kylie was 18lb 1 oz and 28 1/3 inches.


She looked him over and said he looks good. She saw his 2 bottom teeth coming in and said his top 2 teeth will be coming in shortly [you can see them thru his gums]. She suggested I start giving him snacks in between meals, such as yogurt. I actually gave him some yogurt this morning after his oatmeal but he was spitting up more than usual from it so not sure he's ready for it. And also said I should add some rice cereal to his baby food, which I've always done since I started giving him baby food for extra calories and to thicken it up a little.


His doctor is moving to a different office, actually joining Haylee's doctor so next time he sees her, she'll be in the new office. And I just can't believe the next time we see his doctor, he'll be a year old! Which means I need to start planning his 1st birthday... say it ain't so! :(

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