Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Brayden: 9 months!

Brayden is 9 months old!!


Here is what he's been doing....
wearing size 3 diapers, mostly 6 month shirts & pants [becoming too small tho], some 9 month shirts & pants [big in the waist, fine in the length]

sleeps from 7pm-7am and takes 2-3 naps a day


Food Schedule: Breakfast- oatmeal w/ a fruit. Lunch- veggie. Dinner- Meat w/ a veggie or fruit. He gets 4 bottles a day.
tried sister's yogurt again and liked it after he got over the fact it's cold

when he smiles, he squishes his face up and closes his eyes- SO cute!

waves bye bye when we say it or strums his lip instead of waving :)


has tried Puffs & Yogurt Melts and can pick them up with his palm and sometimes gets it in his mouth

tried some string cheese per Grandpa and liked it! Since then we have given him shredded cheese [from Moe's] and he really liked it!

when laying on his belly, he pushes up on his arms

likes playing with balls

recognizes his name

says dadada and mamama

finally cut his 1st tooth [bottom right] a couple days ago [11.11.11]

adores his big sister [and vice versa].... just laughs, smiles and bounces with excitement when she's paying attention to him

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