Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Teacher Conference

Yesterday, I had a Teacher Conference with Kylie's teacher, Ms Melinda! I was eager to see how Kylie was doing so far. I really like her teacher, she's very enthusiastic and seems very sweet. She had a folder of things Kylie has done so far that she will hang on to and add throughout the school year then I'll get it on the last day. Each month she has the child draw a self-portrait and it's funny to see how she has improved in only 2 months. Same with writing her name. In September she couldn't really write it but now she can write it pretty good, sometimes she forget her L and makes it an I but she's doing better. Also they've been working on their cutting skills and the teacher reminds them "thumb to the sky" when holding their scissors. Also Kylie has told me how to properly hold them when giving them to someone else. :) Her teacher showed me some other artwork Kylie has done. And she had some pictures she had taken of Kylie doing certain things.

Her teacher said Kylie is very loving, always giving hugs and trusting of her teachers. She said Kylie has no problems expressing her thoughts and is very expressive. One thing she mentioned is that when Kylie is on the playground, she is so eager to play with her friends and sometimes pulls their arms to go with her. Her teacher has to remind her to use "kind hands". Overall, Kylie is doing really good!

After meeting with Kylie's teacher, I went to get her from her class to take pictures with Brayden. The photographer that does their school pictures, also offers sibling pictures! I was excited to finally be able to do sibling pictures with Kylie! Kylie did really good holding Brayden and she smiled really good [as always]. Brayden looked very handsome but wasn't sure what to think of the photographer and not sure he ever got a smile out of Brayden! Then he took some of Brayden by himself. Kylie tried to get him to smile while I sat close to him to make sure he didn't fall off the small bench. I can't wait to see how they turned out! Today, Kylie had her individual picture taken and she said she did a good job at smiling so we'll see. :)

Here's a preview of what Brayden looked like for pictures.....

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