Saturday, October 15, 2011

Brayden: 8 months!

Brayden is 8 months old!!!

Here's what he's been up to....

wears size 2 diapers [about to move him up to size 3] and 6 months shirts & sleepers and 3-6 month pants
Breakfast: oatmeal with a fruit mixed in, Lunch: a veggie, Dinner: meat with a veggie.


he goes to bed about 7pm and sleeps til about 7-7:30am. He takes a morning and afternoon nap and sometimes an evening nap but usually fights it.

He is now on all formula. A couple days ago, we stopped breastfeeding. I think he was pretty much done and for some personal reasons I decided it was time to stop. I'm sad but glad I did it as long as I did. Now hopefully he'll thicken up a little! ;)

blows raspberries a lot or strums his lower lip and makes noise
clapped for the first time [not sure he knew what he was doing tho ;) ]


sits up by himself pretty much all on his own [ocassionally does a face plant]

puts his paci in his mouth


such a happy baby, smiles a lot

bounces [dances] when he hears music



I can't believe he is already 8 months old!!! And I'll be saying that every month til he's a year old, which is only FOUR MONTHS AWAY!!!! He's the sweetest little boy ever and we love him so much! On Monday, I take him to the doctor's for a shot and I'll get him weighed!


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