Thursday, September 15, 2011

Brayden: 7 months!

Brayden is 7 months old!!!

This is what he's been up to....

wearing size 2 diaper and mostly 6 month clothes

sleeping at night from 8pm-6/7am and takes about 3 naps during the day. He is still being swaddled even though I have tried not to but he just fusses and then I'll go swaddle him and he goes right to sleep. Other times he cries when I do it so I just leave his arms out.

we introduced fruits but he doesn't really like them so I mix a whole container with his oatmeal and he gets that in the morning and in the evening. For lunch, he gets just a veggie and another veggie in the evening.

He's still breastfeeding during the day and gets a bottle of formula before bed.

He's sitting by himself [with his arms holding himself up]

Has started talking a lot more and saying vowel sounds, "mamama", "dadada", "bababa", etc. When Kylie hears him say "mama", she tries to get him to say "KyKy"... so cute!
When lying on his back on the floor, he scoots himself backwards pushing off with his feet

Finally rolled over from back to front!
Rubs his eyes when he's tired
Snorts when he laughs

I think he's getting his 2 bottom teeth in. I can feel something there but they haven't quite poked through. He always has his hands in his mouth and has had a harder time falling to sleep lately.
I took him to the doctor for his monthly shot and had him weighed. He's now 15lbs even!!! In the last month, he has gained a pound & half- yay! He still looks so tiny for his age but he's catching up! :)

He was saying "mama"


sweet baby boy


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