Monday, July 19, 2010

quick trip to Busch Gardens

On Saturday, the girls went to Busch Gardens in the afternoon and planned on staying late for the IllumiNights [fireworks]. When we got there, it was humid but cloudy so the sun wasn't shining right on us so that helped not being so miserable with the heat.

Ready to go!

The first thing Kylie had to do was to go see the characters. She really wanted to see Big Bird but he wasn't in there, the first time. She loves seeing the characters and to think about 2 years ago she wanted nothing to do with them [like how Haylee feels now :)].


She was really excited to see Cookie Monster! Can you tell?!

SO cute!

Mom had Nicole's big camera and was trying to take pictures of us while we rode this ride. She didn't know how to zoom and focus and accidentally took this picture but I like it b/c of the water- such a cool shot! You can see Kylie & I on the ride in the background. Good Job Mom!


Here we come!


After the ride we got the girls in their bathing suits so they could cool down in the water area. As soon as we did that, the water stopped and a show came on.

the water's back on!


After the water area, we decided to go over to the other water area where Haylee would be able to do more. Before we left the Sesame Street area, Kylie wanted to see if Big Bird was in the character area so we checked and Big Bird AND Elmo were in the same room together! She stood right in the middle of them and smiled SO big for the camera [except Nicole didn't get a picture w/ her camera!]- it was SO cute. I stood in line to check out the picture to possibly buy it but I got inpatient and didn't feel like waiting. So... we stood in line for the tram and it took forever! It was almost our turn and the trams stopped! We waited another 10 minutes before we finally got on. Then we watched a parade then ate dinner. After dinner, we went to the other water area then got the girls dressed, and the girls rode the Carousel.


Then we went to ride some other rides and only got to do two of them because it was getting dark and they were closing that area.

Haylee's 1st time on this ride!


Then we all got ice cream and it was so yummy! Grandma gave Haylee her cone and she wouldn't let anyone help her, afraid they were going to take the cone from her! SO funny!

Kylie rode the swings on our way to our spot for the fireworks. It was getting dark and I think she was getting tired.


While we waited for the fireworks to start, Kylie rode a couple more rides. The fireworks started at 9:30 and were really good! We had some big trees in front of us but we could still see them. Nicole moved so she could get some good pictures!



Big finale!

After it was over, it was crazy with everyone trying to get out going all the same way! We finally got out and when we got to the car, we changed the girls into their jammies and they passed out within 10 minutes on the road! We had a really good time!

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