Sunday, July 11, 2010

our little soccer player

So I've been trying to find a place that Kylie could play soccer at but not many places have soccer for 3 year olds so I stopped looking. Well at a birthday party on Saturday, I was talking to one of the Mom's from Kylie's class last year and she's starting her own team and asked us if we were interested. I told her I definitely was and so happy I actually know the coach and Kylie knows her son who will play on the team as well. There are only 10 kids on each team and at this age, it's co-ed and they'll play other 3 year olds.

So I signed her up today at the office! You can special request what team you want your child on so I better get the team I want or I don't want her playing! Haha The season starts mid-September and goes til November. I'm so excited and we have to start practicing now, especially with not using her hands! I also have to get her shin guards, soccer socks and black pants and/or shorts. I'll be contacted by the head coach in about a month with details of practices, games, etc.

Kylie is very excited as well, even though I'm not sure she even knows exactly what soccer is! I'll definitely be posting lots of pictures and videos during the season! And if she does well in the Fall season, we'll sign her up for the Spring season! But.... one season at a time! :)

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