Saturday, July 24, 2010

Correction- Take 2!

So let me explain what happen last time when I took the IntelliGender test. When I first emailed the company with the picture of my test I also explained what I thought it looked like and I don't even think they looked at the picture! Because when she replied she said it SOUNDS like, not it LOOKS like! So she said it SOUNDS like a girl [that's when I updated the blog]. Well I decided to email the picture again but just ask based on the picture if the result was boy or girl. And they replied back, BOY! I should have just did that the first time!

So I decided to take the test again since I actually did take it 3 weeks before they suggest. Since I was at the week they suggest to take it, I took it again this morning. And the result was.....



Guess we'll see! I do have about 3 people that strongly believe it's a BOY and of course me, Mom and Nicole still think it's a GIRL. I'm hoping the next couple months go by fast because we are all dying to know what this baby is!!!

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