Thursday, July 29, 2010


Nicole took some pictures of Kylie hanging out at the beach last night....







Monday, July 26, 2010

pool day!


Haylee wasn't a fan of Kylie pulling her around the pool!








lunch time!



Saturday, July 24, 2010

Correction- Take 2!

So let me explain what happen last time when I took the IntelliGender test. When I first emailed the company with the picture of my test I also explained what I thought it looked like and I don't even think they looked at the picture! Because when she replied she said it SOUNDS like, not it LOOKS like! So she said it SOUNDS like a girl [that's when I updated the blog]. Well I decided to email the picture again but just ask based on the picture if the result was boy or girl. And they replied back, BOY! I should have just did that the first time!

So I decided to take the test again since I actually did take it 3 weeks before they suggest. Since I was at the week they suggest to take it, I took it again this morning. And the result was.....



Guess we'll see! I do have about 3 people that strongly believe it's a BOY and of course me, Mom and Nicole still think it's a GIRL. I'm hoping the next couple months go by fast because we are all dying to know what this baby is!!!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

couple updates...

Jacob was offerred Area Manager of Virginia Beach! Jacob has reservations of accepting the position for several reasons. He did so much work in the North Carolina office and it's finally doing really good and the next couple months the monthly goals are pretty reasonable. And he's gotten really comfortable at his new office as well. Also the Virginia Beach offices are not doing good at all, which will reflect his monthly pay. And there will be a lot of hard work and long hours, just like when he first went to NC. The only good thing about switching to Virginia Beach is obviously he'll be closer to home and also, would be able to go to Kylie's functions at school! I know after proving all his diligent work in NC, that he will be able to improve the Virginia Beach offices and turn it around for the better! He starts the first week in August.

Also I found out the other day, Marty is going to a new school and starting in September she will be going full-time! Which means.... she will no longer be coming here! :( I might still watch her on occasion when her school might be closed and Shay still needs to work or we'll get together for a playdate so the girls can keep in touch. Also Marty is signed up for soccer and might even be on Kylie's team. Marty's dad also plays soccer so he might be starting his own kids team. So even if the girls aren't on the same team, at least they'll see each other on game days and will probably play each other too! We are very sad to see Marty go- I've been watching her for almost 2 years[in August]! Kylie has really enjoyed playing with her and I think will definitely miss her. But it will be nice to spend Kylie's days off from school, just the 2 of us before the baby arrives & I'm looking forward to that!

Monday, July 19, 2010

quick trip to Busch Gardens

On Saturday, the girls went to Busch Gardens in the afternoon and planned on staying late for the IllumiNights [fireworks]. When we got there, it was humid but cloudy so the sun wasn't shining right on us so that helped not being so miserable with the heat.

Ready to go!

The first thing Kylie had to do was to go see the characters. She really wanted to see Big Bird but he wasn't in there, the first time. She loves seeing the characters and to think about 2 years ago she wanted nothing to do with them [like how Haylee feels now :)].


She was really excited to see Cookie Monster! Can you tell?!

SO cute!

Mom had Nicole's big camera and was trying to take pictures of us while we rode this ride. She didn't know how to zoom and focus and accidentally took this picture but I like it b/c of the water- such a cool shot! You can see Kylie & I on the ride in the background. Good Job Mom!


Here we come!


After the ride we got the girls in their bathing suits so they could cool down in the water area. As soon as we did that, the water stopped and a show came on.

the water's back on!


After the water area, we decided to go over to the other water area where Haylee would be able to do more. Before we left the Sesame Street area, Kylie wanted to see if Big Bird was in the character area so we checked and Big Bird AND Elmo were in the same room together! She stood right in the middle of them and smiled SO big for the camera [except Nicole didn't get a picture w/ her camera!]- it was SO cute. I stood in line to check out the picture to possibly buy it but I got inpatient and didn't feel like waiting. So... we stood in line for the tram and it took forever! It was almost our turn and the trams stopped! We waited another 10 minutes before we finally got on. Then we watched a parade then ate dinner. After dinner, we went to the other water area then got the girls dressed, and the girls rode the Carousel.


Then we went to ride some other rides and only got to do two of them because it was getting dark and they were closing that area.

Haylee's 1st time on this ride!


Then we all got ice cream and it was so yummy! Grandma gave Haylee her cone and she wouldn't let anyone help her, afraid they were going to take the cone from her! SO funny!

Kylie rode the swings on our way to our spot for the fireworks. It was getting dark and I think she was getting tired.


While we waited for the fireworks to start, Kylie rode a couple more rides. The fireworks started at 9:30 and were really good! We had some big trees in front of us but we could still see them. Nicole moved so she could get some good pictures!



Big finale!

After it was over, it was crazy with everyone trying to get out going all the same way! We finally got out and when we got to the car, we changed the girls into their jammies and they passed out within 10 minutes on the road! We had a really good time!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


So I emailed my IntelliGender results [picture] to the company and they will respond within 24 hours with what they believe is the outcome of the test. Well they finally got back to me tonight and said it sounds like the a GIRL result!!!!! WHAT??!!! But that's what I think it is anyways so guess we'll find out in a couple months for sure. Oh well! :)

Sunday, July 11, 2010

our little soccer player

So I've been trying to find a place that Kylie could play soccer at but not many places have soccer for 3 year olds so I stopped looking. Well at a birthday party on Saturday, I was talking to one of the Mom's from Kylie's class last year and she's starting her own team and asked us if we were interested. I told her I definitely was and so happy I actually know the coach and Kylie knows her son who will play on the team as well. There are only 10 kids on each team and at this age, it's co-ed and they'll play other 3 year olds.

So I signed her up today at the office! You can special request what team you want your child on so I better get the team I want or I don't want her playing! Haha The season starts mid-September and goes til November. I'm so excited and we have to start practicing now, especially with not using her hands! I also have to get her shin guards, soccer socks and black pants and/or shorts. I'll be contacted by the head coach in about a month with details of practices, games, etc.

Kylie is very excited as well, even though I'm not sure she even knows exactly what soccer is! I'll definitely be posting lots of pictures and videos during the season! And if she does well in the Fall season, we'll sign her up for the Spring season! But.... one season at a time! :)

It's a...... [drumroll!!!]

Early this morning, I took a $30 test called IntelliGender. A little info from their website....

IntelliGender’s Gender Prediction Test™ is an affordable, simple-to-use urine test that provides immediate gender results in the privacy and comfort of the home. In minutes, the IntelliGender Gender Prediction Test indicates your gender result based upon an easy to read color match. Green indicates boy and orange indicates girl!

You are suppose to take the test at 10 weeks so I took it about a week & half early but the reviews I've read where women took it early, also took a second one a couple weeks later and the results were still the same. Also all the reviews on their website [of course] said the test was accurate when they confirmed the sex via ultrasound! Anyways, this is just a fun test and the box warns you to not start decorating the nursery! Ahh... man! :)

So..... according to the IntelliGender test, we are having a......



I'm still convinced it's a GIRL so not sure I believe the test or not. Haha Anyways, we still have a couple more months [mid Sept.] til we find out for sure on ultrasound!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

4th of July

This year, we had a cookout at our house! Nana & Papa were in town so we had a lot of fun! Also we had our friends: Kelly & Adam and their girls: Kailyn & Lily, over as well.

pool time!



picture time...




Our American Flag cake! I baked it & Papa decorated it!

it was yummy!!!

All American Girl!



Haylee & Papa

Haylee, Mommy's Little Sparkler


Nana & Haylee

waiting for the fireworks!

Kylie & Papa <3



Hope you guys had a nice holiday and weekend!!!!