Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Pre-school update! [March]

We love Animals- Celebrating God's Creation.
"God made the beast of the earth." Genesis 1:25

In March, they will be working with the color green and their shape is a diamond. They will be celebrating God's creations and their love of animals. Their Bible story this month will be Jonah and the Whale.

March is a busy month at Kylie's pre-school. This week they had the SPCA come visit and brought a couple animals for the kids to see! Next week is the Book Fair and also a spaghetti dinner on Thursday night. They are also having a Pajama Day later in the month and at the end of the month, they are doing their Spring Pictures! Also in a couple weeks, we'll be doing conferences with Kylie's teacher to see how she's done this school year! Can't believe it's almost over! =[

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