Monday, March 15, 2010

Parent/Teacher Conference

I met with Kylie's teacher, Ms Brenda today for a conference! She went over a Summary of Developmental Progress Report. Here's what it looked like:

Inside it says:

I Shine Brightly.....

  • Enjoys school
  • Loves and cares for her friends [shocking I know! :)]
  • Uses personal care skills [ex: going to bathroom on her own, wipes her nose when needed]
  • Continues to develop gross and fine motor skills
  • Engages in pretend play
  • Likes putting puzzles together
  • Likes books and flannel board stories
  • Understands and follows direcctions [good girl!]

I can Grow [improve]....

  • Use words with friends to solve problems
  • Engaging in cooperative play, work with others

Ms Brenda said that the things she needs to improve on are normal for 2 year olds and she's not the only one in her class that needs improvement on these issues. But she is a little more aggressive than her friends! :) Also they went over her shapes, colors and how high she can count just to see, not anything too be concerned about. She missed a couple colors, which I know she knows! And also a couple shapes, which we are still working on. And she only counted to 3 when she has counted to 13 on her own before! Silly girl!

So overall, she is doing very well and I'm excited for the Fall when she's in the 3 year old class learning lots more!!!!

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