Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Happy Birthday Mom/ Grandma!!!

Mom had a special birthday this year... the BIG 5-0!!!! [But shhhh.... don't tell her!] :) We had many things planned for her. First, the girls & I met her on Friday for her birthday lunch. Mom chose Moe's!

After lunch, we went out to Mom's house and cleaned the house for her as a birthday surprise. At lunch, we had told her we were all going to come over her house on Sunday and our intention was that so she wouldn't have to worry about cleaning on her birthday. BIG mistake, apparentely! Later that day, when she got home from work she thanked Nicole & I for cleaning and then shortly after, asked us if Nana & Papa were coming on Sunday! And we told her of course NOT!

On Saturday, Nicole & Haylee came over and we waited for Nana & Papa to get here. They got here around noon and we ate lunch. We hung out for a little bit then got ready for Mom's Birthday dinner! We got to Waterman's, a restuarant at the beach at 5:30 and we told Mom & Dad to get there at 6! We were so excited and nervous waiting for Mom to get there. We were sitting towards the back so once she started walking towards our table, she told Dad she saw Papa's head [good job Papa! :) haha]. She was very happy to see them there at dinner and was more expecting them on Sunday, instead of Saturday. So it was still a nice surprise!!! We had a very nice dinner and by the time we were done, the weather had gotten cooler and we weren't able to take a walk on the Boardwalk.



I think she's happy!!!



SOOO glad they came!!!



Opening her present from Dad, Nicole & I!
Tickets to Wizard of Oz!!!



After dinner, we all headed back to our house to visit. Kylie was going home with Grandma & Grandpa for the night and was excited to see everyone come back to the house.

On Sunday, Mom & I met at Nicole's house and we drove together to see the Wizard of Oz Broadway Show! It was a really good show, despite a few distractions. :)

The Birthday Girl!!!

At the Wizard of Oz show!!!

waiting for the show to start...

Afterwards, we all headed out to Mom & Dad's. We grilled out and ate a yummy dinner! Then Mom opened the rest of her presents and then we ate strawberry cheescake that Nicole made.

Grandma with her ready helpers!

A gift card to Bed, Bath & Beyond!


pictures of her grandbabies!!!


Strawberry Cheesecake

The rest of the night we played Wii and ate popcorn! On Monday, we ate breakfast at Panera then did some shopping in the Greenbrier area. Then went out to MacArthur Mall. We let the girls play in the play area and we did a little more shopping. Then we ate lunch at Chili's and headed home. We put the girls down for a nap then the girls went to Kohl's for some more shopping. When we got home, we started watching Tarzan then ordered pizza. Then we finished watching Tarzan and by then it was 9:00 and we had to go home and say goodbye to Nana & Papa. :(

Nana & Papa left this morning to go back home and we are SO glad they came to help us give Mom such a wonderful birthday!!! And it was a nice visit as well. Hope Mom had a good birthday!!!



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