Wednesday, March 14, 2012

quite a scare!

Yesterday afternoon, Kylie was getting ready to rest in her room. I was in the kitchen and she went running towards her room and she fell and I heard her crying. I went to her, stood her up and asked her what hurt. She said her head so I looked at it then started to rub it. I figured she would probably just have a goose-egg. She stopped crying as we walked into her room. I sat her on her bed then I noticed blood on her book that was on her bed and blood on her comforter. So I looked at her face/head and saw blood running down the back of her ear! Then saw a bunch of blood in her hair! I started to freak out a little as I was trying to find where the blood was coming from. I looked closely and saw about a 2-3 inch cut on her scalp. I took her to the bathroom and got a washcloth, got it wet and put it on her head. I then called Nicole [my sister and Registered Nurse ;) ] and told her what happen. I tried to remain pretty calm because I didn't want to freak Kylie out or scare her. Nicole told me to send her a picture of it with my phone so she could see what it looked like and then call her back. So I took a picture then sent it to her then I took another picture [the one below] that was a little closer and with less hair in the way. I also sent it to my Mom and Jacob.

I called Nicole back and she said I probably should take her to the ER. As I was talking to her, my Mom had texted me and then called me so I clicked over and told her what happen. She asked what I was going to do and I said probably take her to the ER or an urgent care center. I called Jacob and told him I needed him to come home and stay with Brayden so I could take Kylie. Then I called her doctor and asked them where I should take her and they told me to the ER. Mom said she would leave work and meet me at the hospital so I had some support. Nicole couldn't come til Dave got home from work since Haylee was taking a nap. We waited for Jacob to get home and left as soon as he got there.

Mom got to the hospital at the same time we did. I waited in line to be checked in and Kylie got a hospital bracelet to wear. We waited for about 10 minutes then a nurse called us back. They weighed Kylie [38lbs], took her temperature and blood pressure, and asked me a couple questions. Then we sat back in the waiting room to be called back again. We waited about another 10 minutes and then got called back into a room. We waited a little bit before a nurse came in and looked at her head real quick and went back out, saying something like "Ooo I'll get ready", like it was bad. Then the doctor finally came in and looked her all over, checking her ears, eyes, nose, throat, etc. Then she had Kylie lay on her side so she could look at her head. She cleaned off her hair with some water so that she could get a better look of it.

She was trying to decide if she needed staples [!!!] or if glue would do. She decided she would need staples and said that if she gives her a shot to numb it, that the shot would be worse than the actual staples. They went to prepare everything and I started freaking out! Kylie was doing so good. She kept asking questions but was  pretty calm. I was sitting on the bed next to Kylie. The doctor and nurse came back in and got ready. The nurse told us "don't be worried about how I'm holding her head". They got the staple gun, which was pretty small than what I was imagining. The nurse held Kylie's head very still, while I held her arms and legs down. The doctor got the staple gun ready and asked "is it jamming?" and when she said that I thought she had already done one then it was jamming and she was trying to fix it instead of just doing both staples real quick but then I looked and saw she hadn't done anything yet- thank goodness! So she pushed a couple staples out then says "wonder how many are in there"... maybe she should stop pushing them out in case there aren't many! So then she does the 1st staple and Kylie started crying and wiggling just a little then she does the other one and it's all over. The doctor goes to get some Vaseline-like stuff and puts it over the wound and Kylie just lays there while she does that then she stops crying. She told the doctor she wanted to go home. The doctor goes to get her some stickers and we wait for the nurse to come in with the discharge papers so we can leave.
We took Kylie to Skinny Dip for an ice cream treat. Nicole met us there. She didn't even finish her ice cream, she said it was hurting her belly and she wanted to save it for later. We came home and she took it easy the rest of the night watching a movie and resting.

Kylie did SO good and I'm so proud of her. She definitely did a lot better than I was doing. She did go to school today but I told her teachers I didn't want her going outside because she couldn't get her hair wet for 48 hours so I didn't want her to get dirty or play too hard so she sat in the school's office reading books and such.

She has to go back to her pediatrician in 10 days to get the staples removed but the doctor said it doesn't hurt near as badly as getting them put in. So hopefully she does just as good getting them taken out. We already have an appointment with her doctor on Friday for her & Brayden so she'll get to check her out then.

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