Saturday, March 17, 2012


On Friday, I took both kids in for a little check-up with the doctor.

Kylie first... the doctor checked her ears and said they looked great. She also checked her nose to see if the nasal spray was working and she said the puffiness has gotten a little better but to continue to use it, as well as the Zyrtec to help with her allergies. And we go back next Friday for her to get her staples removed.

Next, Brayden... well he now weighs 18lbs 9.5oz and is 30.5 inches long so he is GROWING!!! He has been eating so well and spitting up less so I'm glad that he's finally catching up. The doctor checked his ears and said they were the best she's seen in a long time and there is NO fluid in them!!! Hopefully that continues as he goes back to the ENT doctor next Thursday for a follow-up.
And a couple days ago, Brayden had a tooth finally come through! Now we are just waiting on the other one to come through that is SO close.

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