Wednesday, February 22, 2012

sweet boy

He was waving at me! Photobucket

Brayden is trying out goat's milk that I got last night. At first, he didn't like the taste of it but after a while he drinks it all! I've heard goat's milk is easier to digest so I'm hoping this helps so that he can still drink milk but not spit up a bunch. He's still spitting up but he does with anything he eats as well. Also, I called the doctor to see if we could switch his reflux medicine to something else but I found out that what he's taking is really the only medicine for infants for reflux and he's at the right dosage for his weight. So she said the only other thing we can do is send him to a GI doctor to see if there is something else they can do for him and to maybe do more testing to see why he's still spitting up this much at a year old! I'm waiting back to find out from the nurse when his appointment will be.

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