Thursday, February 16, 2012

Brayden: 12 months old!

Brayden is 12 months old!!! 

Here's what he's been up to....

Can wear some 12 month clothes but is still wearing 9 month winter clothes [because he doesn't have many 12 month winter clothes] & mainly wearing 12 month sleepers. Shoe size: 3-4. Size 3 diapers.

his appetite hasn't been so good lately so he's not really taking to table food so well but does try some things [bread, black beans, mashed potatoes]. Sometimes he doesn't even want baby food. I tried whole milk and almond milk and he was spitting up more with it so next I'm going to try rice milk, as well as keep him on soy formula. With his weight issues, I feel like he should stay on formula a little longer.

can sit up from lying on his back [real fun when trying to change his diaper!]

realized he can spit out food [or hasn't felt like eating :( ]

started cruising [walks along it while hanging on] the furniture
plays peek-a-boo, with his diaper [while changing his diaper] or bib or his hands and sounds like he says "boo"

points at everything
blows raspberries a lot, especially in the car and I can't tell if he's just doing that or if he's spitting up

says "da-ee" and points to the dog

still has only has 4 teeth [but has 2 so close to coming thru. Kylie had 10 teeth by 12 months- HA!]

Well the day has finally come [and gone] and my sweet baby boy is 12 months, a.k.a. a YEAR OLD!!! This past year has really flown by, I just can't believe how fast it went! Brayden is such a joy. Unfortunately for the last month, he's been battling never ending ear infections that will just not go away and has caused him much discomfort and he's not been a happy baby. We hope to get him well very soon and get our happy baby back! 

We've been busy planning his 1st birthday party and can't wait to celebrate on Saturday!

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