Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Brayden update

Last Friday, I took Brayden to the ENT doctor. He checked out his ears and said there's still fluid in them but they aren't so red. The antibiotics killed the bacteria but there's nothing really that can get rid of the fluid except putting tubes in his ears. If the fluid doesn't come out, it can effect his hearing. So... we decided to wait another month to see if the fluid goes away on it's own first. He also said we could do some hearing tests to make sure it hasn't affected his hearing but he said he really doesn't think it has since it's only been little over of a month. We go back March 22nd to see where we go from here.

Today [Wednesday], I took him to see his pediatrician for a weight check. He now weighs 17lb 12.5oz, he gained only 3oz in the last two weeks. I wasn't really happy with the weight gain because it's really not much at all but as the doctor said he doesn't have much of a reserve so it's going to take time to gain his weight back, he's already been slow at gaining weight anyways. Then we talked about his appointment with the ENT doctor. She also looked at his ears and said they do look better but she can still see the fluid. She said she's pretty sure he's going to need tubes [and she thinks it might help him all the way around- gaining weight, his reflux, etc.]. She still feels like his weight issue is related to the 3 different strong antibiotics he's been on for the last month, that has tore up his tummy and made him not want to eat. He is really starting to eat better again, I'd say within the last week or two [a lot more table foods]. Then we talked about his GI appointment that is 3 months away. I told her that since his weight is so low that's why I'm so concerned. She decided to let us try a different reflux medication, even though she's seen research that it doesn't really work much better than Zantac [what he's on now] but I'm glad she's willing to give it a try. She said to try it for a week and see how it's going, if he's not doing better then to call her and she will call the GI doctor/office herself and try to get him in sooner, which I'm really happy about. I told her I somewhat stopped giving him formula/milk because it made him spit-up a lot more so she told me I need to give him a multi-vitamin. I still do give him a bottle of soy formula a couple times a day, only when he is fussy or at night before bed.

He also got a vaccine [polio] and a hemoglobin test [prick in his toe] and that came back good. So we'll see how he's doing on this new medicine and we go back to see his doctor on March 16th for a vaccine and to check his weight again.

Friday, February 24, 2012


Brayden is really enjoying the big bathtub! He has so much fun splashing around! Kylie has to keep telling him to stop splashing her- HA! 
[I made this video private since he's nakey]

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

sweet boy

He was waving at me! Photobucket

Brayden is trying out goat's milk that I got last night. At first, he didn't like the taste of it but after a while he drinks it all! I've heard goat's milk is easier to digest so I'm hoping this helps so that he can still drink milk but not spit up a bunch. He's still spitting up but he does with anything he eats as well. Also, I called the doctor to see if we could switch his reflux medicine to something else but I found out that what he's taking is really the only medicine for infants for reflux and he's at the right dosage for his weight. So she said the only other thing we can do is send him to a GI doctor to see if there is something else they can do for him and to maybe do more testing to see why he's still spitting up this much at a year old! I'm waiting back to find out from the nurse when his appointment will be.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

bath time!

Tonight I needed to give the kids bath and decided to have them do it together. It was Brayden's 1st time in the big bath tub and he actually had fun! Also, we used his new bath toy he got for his birthday.


Thursday, February 16, 2012

Brayden: 12 months old!

Brayden is 12 months old!!! 

Here's what he's been up to....

Can wear some 12 month clothes but is still wearing 9 month winter clothes [because he doesn't have many 12 month winter clothes] & mainly wearing 12 month sleepers. Shoe size: 3-4. Size 3 diapers.

his appetite hasn't been so good lately so he's not really taking to table food so well but does try some things [bread, black beans, mashed potatoes]. Sometimes he doesn't even want baby food. I tried whole milk and almond milk and he was spitting up more with it so next I'm going to try rice milk, as well as keep him on soy formula. With his weight issues, I feel like he should stay on formula a little longer.

can sit up from lying on his back [real fun when trying to change his diaper!]

realized he can spit out food [or hasn't felt like eating :( ]

started cruising [walks along it while hanging on] the furniture
plays peek-a-boo, with his diaper [while changing his diaper] or bib or his hands and sounds like he says "boo"

points at everything
blows raspberries a lot, especially in the car and I can't tell if he's just doing that or if he's spitting up

says "da-ee" and points to the dog

still has only has 4 teeth [but has 2 so close to coming thru. Kylie had 10 teeth by 12 months- HA!]

Well the day has finally come [and gone] and my sweet baby boy is 12 months, a.k.a. a YEAR OLD!!! This past year has really flown by, I just can't believe how fast it went! Brayden is such a joy. Unfortunately for the last month, he's been battling never ending ear infections that will just not go away and has caused him much discomfort and he's not been a happy baby. We hope to get him well very soon and get our happy baby back! 

We've been busy planning his 1st birthday party and can't wait to celebrate on Saturday!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Brayden's birthDAY!

When Brayden woke up this morning, we went in his room to tell him HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! He looked at us like we were crazy.
After dropping Kylie off at school, we headed to his 12 month check-up! Photobucket
He got weighed and actually lost weight, he now weighs 17lbs 9.5oz [he was 18lbs at 11 months] and he's 30 inches long [which he's 3/4 in. longer than Kylie was at 12 months, of course she weighed almost 2lbs more than he does!]. Then we waited for the doctor to come in. She looked him over, more importantly his ears and said they are still red and there is still some fluid in them but they do look better. BUT with his weight loss due to poor appetite and discomfort she is referring him to an ENT doctor. His appointment is next Friday, the 24th at 10am. We decided to not give him any shots [he was suppose to get Polio] til his immune system is a little better, as well as his hemoglobin prick test so we'll go back in 2 weeks to have that done. Also, he's had 2 teeth trying to come in for a couple weeks and have swollen his gums, which has probably added to his discomfort.

After his appointment, we ran some errands and he took a little nap at home before we had to get Sissy from school. Then we met Grandma, Nic Nic and Haylee for lunch at Red Robin! Photobucket
They sang Happy Birthday to him and brought him a sundae! Photobucket
He just starred at them! Photobucket
He liked the cherry, somewhat... Photobucket
Then went after the whipped cream! Photobucket
And he enjoyed some of the ice cream. Photobucket
big boy!
We were trying to get him to stand alone... Photobucket
It's blurry but... He did it for a second!
We came home and took some pictures... Photobucket
sitting in his new big boy chair!
Sissy wanted to take a picture with the birthday boy! Photobucket
I'll work on his 12 month post tomorrow!
Can't believe my baby boy is already A YEAR OLD!!!


Tuesday, February 14, 2012