Monday, December 5, 2011


On Sunday, we got our Christmas family pictures taken! I've seen some sneak peeks on Facebook and I can't wait to see them all!

After having our pictures taken, we changed the kids' clothes and headed to ride The Tide for our 1st time! I called it a train but Kylie called it a bus [maybe because of the seats]. When I was trying to describe it I thought it looked more like a train but I guess she felt it looked more like a bus. Ha!


holding her ticket






We took it all the way to the MacArthur Mall to see Santa! They have a cool set-up and we had to wait in line for a while. But once we got thru, it was pretty cool!



see his top teeth? :)

We compared the height of the kids to the height of a polar bear!


Then they had another small room we had to wait in that had "snow"! That was a BAD idea! The kids are all dressed up in their pretty Christmas outfits [well my kids weren't in theirs & good thing] and the kids want to throw and play all in the snow, as Kylie did! She had it all in her hair and all over her black pants.

Making a snow angel! Photobucket

After waiting in this room, we got to see the Ice Princess. She was very sweet with Kylie and Kylie really liked her.

Once Santa was ready, we went to see him. Kylie jumped right on his lap and started talking to him. Once the photographer was ready, I put Brayden on Santa's lap and without even looking at Santa, he burst out crying and screaming! I knew he would cry, poor thing. Of course, we had to get a picture of it for memory sake so they snapped 2 pictures and then I picked Brayden up. Kylie continued to talk to Santa and tell him what she wanted for Christmas. He gave her a book and gave her one for Brayden as well. He was a very nice Santa!


Kylie with Santa when she was 6 1/2 months old.

After that, we went to eat dinner at California Pizza Kitchen. It was Jacob's 1st time eating there. While we were waiting for our food to come, I went to get some Christmas ornaments. I got a new family of 4 one and also Brayden his 1st Christmas ornament! When I got back, our food had arrived. Kylie did really well coloring and even ate a slice of pizza. We then left the mall and waited to ride The Tide back to our car.



On the Tide on our way back Photobucket

We had a great day as a family! I'll be sharing our Christmas pictures very soon!

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