Friday, December 16, 2011

Brayden: 10 months!

Brayden is 10 months old!!!

This is what he's been up to lately.....

Wearing 9 month shirts, pants & pjs. Size 2 shoe [except I just got him a size 3 to make it thru the winter]. Size 3 diapers


he's now eating baby yogurt about once a day as a snack

Has 4 teeth now! [When he turned 9 months got his 2nd one, Bottom left- 11.15.11, top left- 11.24.11], top right [12.1.11]. So he's pretty much gotten all 4 in 3 weeks!


shakes his head when we say "noooo"

As of today, 12.16.11, he is crawling!

points his finger

when Kylie coughs, he will fake cough or when she yells, he will yell

He can sit himself up from laying on his belly. He has also sat himself up in his crib [time to lower it]!

[faux hawk given by Nic Nic] Photobucket

when we give him a ball, he says "ba!" and he gets so excited when he sees his ball


I keep trying to get him to drink out of sippy cup but he's not a fan. Maybe because it's just water. So maybe I'll add just a tad of juice to it.

It's getting harder to do these monthly pictures! :) Photobucket


stinker! Photobucket

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