Saturday, June 11, 2011

Happy Anniversary!!!

Happy Anniversary to Jacob & I!!!

We are celebrating 7 years of marriage! It sure doesn't seem that long, it has totally gone by SO fast!!! And we've been a couple for 10 1/2 years, I met him right after I turned 19 and I'll be [yelp] 30 in a couple months- crazy!!!!

On our 3 year anniversary with Kylie, she was 3 1/2 weeks old. We look SO young!

A little back story.... Jacob and I met on Halloween night at a club in downtown Norfolk in 2000. A couple weeks later, he asked me to be his girlfriend. In November of 2002, we bought our house. After a couple years of dating and a little pressuring on my end, Jacob finally popped the question in May of 2003. After about a year long engagement, we married on June 12, 2004! We went on a Bahamas cruise honeymoon. And the year after we went on another cruise with friends. In September 2006 we found out we were expecting... a couple weeks before our Jamaica trip with our best friends! In December of that year, we found out we were having a little girl and we welcomed Kylie Sarah on May 17, 2007! And ironically, a year ago [minus a couple days- June 9th] we found out we were expecting again days before our 6th anniversary and our 1st family vacation to Myrtle Beach! And in September of 2010, we were shocked to find out we were having a baby boy and welcomed Brayden Curtis on Feburary 15, 2011! We have been so blessed and pray for many more years of happy memories to come as a family of 4!!!


Last night my Mom came over to babysit the kids so we could go to dinner. We went to PF Changs at the Town Center and enjoyed a really nice dinner. I was so stuffed afterwards.



1 comment:

  1. 7 years of marriage is such an accomplishment, kimberly!!! i'm really happy for you both and your absolutely BEAUTIFUL family. :)
