Friday, June 17, 2011

4 month check-up


Today, Brayden had his 4 month well baby check-up. He weighs 11lbs [5%] and is 24 1/4 inches long [not sure the %]. The nurse weighed him twice, on 2 different scales and then when the doctor came in, she wanted to weigh him again herself. Then she examed him all over and said he looks healthy. She is a little concerned about his weight because he hasn't gained much since his 2 month check-up. She suggested I start him on rice cereal, at first once a day and increase to 2 times a day. And also start him on yellow veggies, such as: squash, corn, sweet pototoes and carrots. He goes back in 2 weeks for a weight check so hopefully he has gained more weight. If not, she wants to take some blood work and see if there is a reason why he isn't gaining weight fast enough, such as a thyroid problem. But she said she has a feeling he's just on the small side since he has been pretty much since birth. Also I need to try and feed him more when I can. I think I'm going to start giving him a bottle of formula every night before bed and hope that helps him get some extra calories, as well.

Big sister was very comforting to him. When the doctor was examing him, she held his hand and kept saying "It's OK, it's just the doctor". Very sweet!

that looks like a full belly to me! :)

little piggies

Daddy & Brayden

pretty girl

Daddy was tickling his toes!


drinking his bottle after his shot :( and holding it by himself!

We go back to the doctor on July 1st for his weight check.

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