Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day!

Brayden all ready to go with his Daddy shirt!

Around 11, we all went out to Mom & Dad's house for a cookout!

Mom got a new Wii game for the girls that they can dance to... here are the girls dancing!




Daddy & Kylie

Dave & Haylee



Nicole made cupcakes... can you guess what they are?

hamburgers! aren't they cute?!

Kylie loves her corn on the cob!


Dad open his gifts. Nicole & I got him the gift certificate to play paintball. And the grandkids got him a T-shirt! It says "Kylie, Haylee & Brayden think I'm the BEST Grandpa!". :)







Grandpa in his new shirt!

Haylee feeding Brayden! :)

Jacob & Kylie went home about 3 and Dave also left because he had to work. Brayden took a long nap and woke up about 5. Then we all went to Applebee's for dinner. It was a very nice day with family.

I didn't get home til pretty late and Kylie wanted Jacob to open his presents from her & Brayden so he went ahead and opened it before I got home. He got 2 picture frames with new pictures of the kids to hang up in his office at work [the ones above on the blog heading]. He also got a gift certificate to play paintball. And my gym was offerring fathers a month free at the gym so I got him that! And a couple weeks ago, he got a new grill. So he really made out!

Happy Father's Day Daddy [Jacob] and to my Dad and to Papa too!!!!

We love you!!!!

Friday, June 17, 2011

2 first!

"First" #1... bath with big sister! Both kids needed a bath last night so I decided to give them one at the same time. Kylie was a good helper and helped me bathe Brayden. Once I was done with Brayden and got him out, I asked Kylie if she wanted to stay in the bath and play some. She told me no and that she wanted to get out like Brayden did, she wanted to do what he did.



And "First" #2... eating rice cereal!!! [I need to get him different bibs.] The 1st attempt didn't go so well. I fed him the cereal before I nursed him so I don't think he was too happy about that. But he didn't gag, which I was afraid he might do. After I stopped the video, I fed him and then tried again with the cereal but he just wasn't having it! He just cried. I think he was still tired so I stopped and laid him down.



He calmed down but didn't fall asleep so after about 30 minutes I got him up and decided to try the cereal again. He did a lot better this time. The video stopped when it ran out of memory but he ate for a couple more minutes. I know each time he eats, he'll get better at keeping it in his mouth and actually swallowing more. Baby steps! ;)




I have 1 more video to post.

4 month check-up


Today, Brayden had his 4 month well baby check-up. He weighs 11lbs [5%] and is 24 1/4 inches long [not sure the %]. The nurse weighed him twice, on 2 different scales and then when the doctor came in, she wanted to weigh him again herself. Then she examed him all over and said he looks healthy. She is a little concerned about his weight because he hasn't gained much since his 2 month check-up. She suggested I start him on rice cereal, at first once a day and increase to 2 times a day. And also start him on yellow veggies, such as: squash, corn, sweet pototoes and carrots. He goes back in 2 weeks for a weight check so hopefully he has gained more weight. If not, she wants to take some blood work and see if there is a reason why he isn't gaining weight fast enough, such as a thyroid problem. But she said she has a feeling he's just on the small side since he has been pretty much since birth. Also I need to try and feed him more when I can. I think I'm going to start giving him a bottle of formula every night before bed and hope that helps him get some extra calories, as well.

Big sister was very comforting to him. When the doctor was examing him, she held his hand and kept saying "It's OK, it's just the doctor". Very sweet!

that looks like a full belly to me! :)

little piggies

Daddy & Brayden

pretty girl

Daddy was tickling his toes!


drinking his bottle after his shot :( and holding it by himself!

We go back to the doctor on July 1st for his weight check.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Brayden: 4 months old!

Happy 4 months old Brayden Curtis!!!!


Here is what Brayden has been up to....

wearing size 2 diaper and 0-3 month clothes. His sleepers are getting a little snug so we might be moving up a size soon.


still nursing about every 3-4 hours, depending on how long he naps. I have started mixing breastmilk with 2 oz of formula on ocassion when he gets a bottle. I'm trying to "fatten" him up some [he's so tiny]. And I'm happy to say breastfeeding is still going great, even though he has started to become easily distracted. Kylie was done at 4 months so I'm glad Brayden & I are still going strong!


We will be starting rice cereal soon.

still sleeping through the night. Goes to bed about 9pm and sleeps til about 5-6am, eats then goes back to sleep til about 8-9am.


using his hands/fist to put things in his mouth, like: his paci, bib


cries with real tears :(

puts his hands/fingers in his mouth a lot. Or he grasps his hands.


found his feet and it's so cute seeing him hold onto them

squeals in delight!


reaches for toys, mainly while on his play floor mat


laughs but not a big belly laugh yet




[I tried to take a picture of Brayden to compare it to Kylie at 4 months but he wasn't having it so I'll try again and post it with his check-up update]

On Friday, Brayden has his 4 month well baby check-up. I will update about that then.