Friday, April 1, 2011

Pre-school update! [April]

"Jesus makes all things new." Revaltion 21:5

Art: They are going to mix their own pastel colors and explore "sfumato", the blending of colors and borders rather than "coloring book" outlines. Their artist of the month is Leonardo da Vinci, who made the Mona Lisa.

Science: During "Egg-sloration Stations" they will measure, weigh, magnift, label parts, color, spin and roll eggs. This month, they will introduce the concept of our five senses. They will learn through touching, smelling, tasting, seeing, hearing. They will end the month with a unit on Insects and Spiders [BUGS!].

Math: They are counting, measuring, sorting, noticing numerals, classifying, using 1 to 1 correspondence, learning about patterns. They continue to stregthen visual discrimination with more challenging puzzles and pattern block activites. Using unit blocks, duplos, magnatiles and crystal climbers they will explore creating structures, vehicles and designs.

Special days this month are: Earth Day, Palm Sunday, Easter and Arbor Day.

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