Friday, April 15, 2011

Brayden: 2 months old!

This is what Brayden has been up to....

-wearing size 1 diapers and 0-3 month clothes & sleepers

-started smiling at us around 5 weeks old! :) When Kylie sees Brayden first thing in the morning, she talks to him and he smiles a lot at her- it's very sweet!


-nurses about every 2.5-3 hours; on ocassion takes a bottle of expressed breastmilk when Mommy is away

-looks around at things; like: lights, ceiling fans, watches people as they move across the room. He even looks at the ceiling fans when they aren't on and stares at them, like he knows they should be moving- HA!

-at night, he sleeps from 10pm-3/4am, eats, falls asleep and wakes up around 7am. This week [Monday] we put him in his crib for naps and at night. Ocassionally sleeps from 10pm-6am.


-likes his bouncy seat for a little bit at a time. Upped his swing speed and now he likes it!


-got different pacifiers called MAM and he likes them. Been using them for a couple weeks

-his eyes look like they have lighten up and are more blue than gray. A couple of people have told me they think he will have blue eyes, like his daddy. He has long eyelashes!

-his baby acne has gotten better and his cradle cap has also gotten better with a special shampoo


-when he's not happy with something, he sticks out his bottom lip and starts crying. His big sister did the same thing but her's would go out a little further :)


-has started cooing and it's very sweet



Brayden had his 2 month doctor appointment today. Here are his stats:

Weight: 9lbs 10oz [10th percentatile]

Height: 22 3/4 inches [55th percentatile]

Head: 15 inches [13th percentile]


[As far as vaccinations, I decided to do one at a time. There's NO way I'm giving my baby 5-6 shots at ONE time [that's seriously how many they get]! With Kylie, I followed the recommended schedule because at the time I didn't know any better. Once she was about a year old, I started doing my research and regretted doing that. So this time I know better and I'm going to do it differently.]


The doctor said he's long and lean, just like Kylie was as a baby [& still is]! She looked him all over and he looks good. I was concerned about the back of his head because it's not smooth all around and she felt it over thoroughly and said it could be normal but she wants to keep an eye on it. And suggested I give him lots of tummy time. Today he got the DTap shot and was not a happy camper. :( I'm such a mean mommy, I know! But at least it was only 1 and not 4! He goes back in 2 weeks for another shot, Hib [for meningitis]. FYI: I delayed the Hep B shot and my doctor no longer gives the Rotavirus vaccine.






Photobucket Kylie & Brayden at 2 months old Photobucket

1 comment:

  1. hes so cute kimberly! you are such a good mommy! i love that you post all of his stats and keep a record of how hes growing... itll be fun to look back on when he's a big boy! :) im glad your doctor doesnt give the rotavirus vaccine anymore. since i dont vaccinate, both my kids came down with the virus and it was nothing more than a glorified stomach bug... it turned their poo all white and weird looking and they turned food down for a couple days, but that was it. just giving you a heads up if you ever see a white poopy diaper! lol (i was freaked out when i saw it, haha)
