Monday, December 21, 2009

sick baby

So Kylie is FINALLY starting to feel better after weeks of being sick, off & on. It started as allergy symptoms; like: runny nose, sneezing, coughing. Then it seemed to be getting better but with a lingering runny nose & congestion. Then this past week she started up a cough again and Friday morning after drinking a whole cup of milk threw it all up on our couch! Then 20 minutes after a bath and cleaning that up, she threw it up again sitting in her highchair. So on to another bath she went and lots of laundry throughout the day, you could tell she wasn't feeling well but had no fever. I called Shay after she had thrown up twice but she didn't get my message til 2 hours later and was on her way to get Marty. Kylie took a long nap and had some diaherra a couple of times. Around 10pm, she woke up crying because she had throw up again, in her bed. We gave her another bath and cleaned out the bed. Then I gave her some cough medicine so she could sleep, as well as, elevating her pillow and keeping her humidifer on high.

Saturday, we just hung out around the house. It was nasty outside with cold rain! When she went down for her nap, I went out and did some Christmas shopping. She got up from her nap and didn't eat much the whole day. She went to bed around normal time and Sunday morning, she woke up with more throw up in her bed and was still not feeling well. I had plans to go to Mom & Dad's church for their Simple Christmas service so I got ready and left and Kylie was not happy! She hung out with Daddy while I was at church then we went to lunch at Red Lobster. I got home around 4 and Kylie was already up from her nap. She was SO excited to see me! She was playing more and getting her appetite back. I called Shay in the evening to tell her I was going to take Kylie to the doctor on Monday so she decided to just keep Marty home. Kylie got another bath before bed because she had red paint on her from doing art projects with Daddy!

Monday, Kylie woke up in a pretty good mood and barely coughing. I decided to take her to school because it was their last day before winter break and she seemed to be acting fine. I got some errands done and cleaned the house a little. After I got her from school, we got lunch at Chick-fil-A and went home to eat it. We left the house around 1 for Kylie's doctor appt. When we got there, Kylie had to wear a mask because she had a cough. Surprisingly, she didn't mind it as much as I thought she would and actually kept it on! Once we got into a room, we had to wait about 20 minutes for the doctor. The doctor [who I really like] examed Kylie and Kylie actually did pretty good letting her listen to her lungs, look into her ears and into her mouth. She opened her mouth with no problems! She ended up having a definite ear infection in one ear and a slight one in the other. The doctor said she also probably had allergy issues that lingered too long giving her the ear infections, which is how she got her last ear infection in October. She put her on a different antibiotic and told me to give her Zyrtec [allergy medicine] at night. If her cough and runny nose don't improve by Thursday to give her a call and she will prescribe her a different allergy medicine, Singular. Hopefully that won't be necessary as her cough hasn't been too bad today and seems to be acting and feeling normal. She didn't take much of a nap today, so she'll be going to bed a little early!

That's about it for now. I'll update later in the week on her progress.

Have a great week!!!!

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