Sunday, December 6, 2009

Bass Pro Shops

We also went to Bass Pro Shops today to see their Winter Wonderland and to see Santa! We waited in the line for an hour and Kylie was very antsy. As we waited, we would talk to Kylie about how she's going to sit on Santa's lap and tell him what she wants him to bring her for Christmas and that she's not going to cry. As we got closer and closer to it being our turn, Kylie seemed excited but as soon as we walked towards him she grabbed my leg and cried "Mommy, Mommy". I put her on Santa's lap as she cried so Santa told me to also sit on his lap [poor guy!]. She stopped crying as the elf took our picture and I jumped up and took some quick shots with my camera of just her and Santa. She didn't smile but didn't cry either! After the incident with Santa was over, we headed to the art table where you could get supplies to make a reindeer hat. There was no room for us to sit so we told Kylie we would do it at home, which she was not too happy about but by then we were ready to go!


she's thrilled!

the fish wanted to kiss her!

and she wanted to touch him!

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