Monday, August 10, 2009

weekend update!

in the morning, i took the girls to Kangaroo Jac's, an indoor inflatable play area. it was the 1st time i took kylie to this place. some of the slides were a little hard for the girls to climb up but they still had a good time.

checking the place out....


going down the kiddie slide....

this is as far as they got, too high for them!

kylie going down a different slide [i had to keep boosting them up the step tho]

we stayed about an hour then we went to lunch with mom, nicole & haylee at red robin [my choice]! it was really good, and kylie even had a couple pieces of mom's fish!


showing me the fish! daddy would be SO proud!

after lunch, the girls took their naps and nicole came over in the afternoon for a visit. after marty went home, we decided to go down to the beach for a little bit. we had dinner at a pizza place and then walked to the playground they have in the sand. we got home around 9pm and kylie went straight to bed!

at dinner....

nicole & haylee


hello haylee!

jacob had to work in the morning. kylie & i met emily & rylee at panera for breakfast. we came home and i took a shower. then we went to target and came home and waited for jacob to get home. when he finally got home around 1, we went to Ocean Breeze. i was finally able to take some pictures!

these are the "big" kiddie slides i've talked about....

big girl coming down the slide by herself!

kylie's in the middle....

swimming to daddy....


taking a break with daddy


lazy river

a different slide....

we only stayed about an hour because kylie got another injury, she was running and fell down and scraped her arm, ankle, and foot. she was way passed her naptime so it was a good time to leave. we dropped daddy off at home and drove out to Grandma & Grandpa's house. kylie took a short nap on the car ride there and i asked her if she wanted to lay down when we got there and she said yes. but once i laid her down, she didn't want to stay in there. we hung out for a little bit then got ready for dinner. of course, we went to Cracker Barrell! when we got back, we let kylie play outside on the swing set for a little bit then went inside and got ready for bed. kylie was not happy that she had to go to bed! nicole decided to spend the night too [jacob was having a UFC fight party at our house and dave was there] so she put haylee to sleep as well. we played on the computer for a while and finally went to bed a little after 10pm.
we just hung out in the morning. mom made banana nut muffins that we all enjoyed.
the girls playing together!
haylee pushing kylie away! haylee says "this is my toy now girl!" haha
we left mom's around 10:30am and about 10mins. from home kylie fell asleep so when i got home, i laid her down for a nap. jacob was busy working in the yard so i went and got us lunch then watched some TV while she napped. when she woke up, jacob came inside and we all just hung out. then i decided to go to the mall and look at the Gap for some gold shoes nicole told me about that would match kylie's dress for the wedding. i ended up finding them but in a size bigger than i wanted but i went ahead and got them anyways. the tag said they were $22 and when they rang up, they were only $13! i'm really glad i went ahead and got them. then i went over to Toys R Us to return the other gold shoes i had for kylie. then i went home and we got ready for dinner. kylie wasn't in a very plesant mood so she went to bed around 7pm.

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