Tuesday, December 3, 2013


Sunday afternoon we went to MacAthur Mall to see Santa! They have a pretty cool display. The line didn't even look to be super long but we waited over an hour to see Santa!

We finally got into the Ice Palace where it snows. Kylie loves snow, whether it's real or not!

Brayden's 1st year he didn't cry!!! But we couldn't get him to smile :) Oh well!

After we got home, I let Kylie finish decorating the tree and putting on our "sentimental" ornaments.

Brayden got to put up one or two

Our family ornament for this year

Also our Elf on the Shelf, Rose Diamond, came back to us that night!
She was taking a marshmallow bath in the bathroom sink!
She also brought the kids ornaments with their names on them she made herself! ;)

 What an improvement!

Merry Christmas!!! 

P.S. Our Thanksgiving post will be up soon, as soon as I get a memory card from someone! ;)

1 comment:

  1. Love the kiddos making 'snow angels'. haha. Your tree is beautiful, just like your kiddos. And I have the same picture of a crying toddler on santa's lap too! Hoping this year will be better. :)
