Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Brayden's 1st Day of Pre-school!

Brayden started his very 1st day of Pre-school!!! I can't believe my baby boy is already in pre-school! I think he was ready and was very excited about going.

I told him to turn around so I could see his bookbag and he said "but you can't see my face" Ha!

At school! He's going to the same school Kylie went to- so special!

It's Brayden's 1st year & Haylee's last year! :*( They are SO cute!

Brayden sat down at the table and I kissed him and told him bye, he whined a little but kept playing and I walked out! When I picked him up his teacher said he had a good day! :)

Little fun fact.... When Haylee started Pre-school {in the 2 year old class}, it was Kylie's last year!

And when it's Brayden's last year of Pre-school, it'll be the twins' 1st year!! Funny how that worked out!

Also another fun comparison... Kylie & Brayden on their very 1st day of Pre-school! :*(
My babies are growing up!!!

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