Thursday, August 29, 2013

School Orientation

Kylie had her School Orientation last night {Wednesday} in the evening. We could come by between 5:30-7pm so when Jacob got home from work he took her up there.{Unfortunately I had an abscess tooth and was feeling very ill and couldn't go}

Her 1st grade teacher's name is Ms French. Jacob's cousin's, Shellie, youngest son is also in Kylie's class! They live a block away from us so they also ride the bus together. Kylie said the whole classroom was decorated in cows then asked if she was starting school the following day, so I'd say she is pretty excited! She starts on Tuesday!

Brayden had his School Orientation on Thursday at 10am. He is in the 2 year old class and his teachers names are Ms Brenda & Ms Tina, which Kylie and Haylee also had! Unfortunately again, I was feeling very ill and we weren't able to go. :( I'm hoping even tho we didn't go he'll still be excited on his first day, which is Wednesday!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Happy Birthday to ME!

Today is my birthday but we celebrated with my family on Sunday, when no one has to work {except Dave, he's always working lol}.

I chose to go to a Hibachi Japanese restaurant and we had a good time!

Nana & Papa hadn't been to one of these restaurants in a very long time

Kylie eating some rice with her chop sticks

They sang Happy Birthday to me and I got this:

Then we all went back to Nicole's house. By then it was already 8pm and my kids were super tired and acting up so I decided to take them back home with Jacob so he could put them to bed. Then I went back to Nicole's by myself. 

I opened presents and we ate this yummy cookie cake!

Today... I had to take Nicole and the twins to the doctor's for a check-up. Nicole put them in their 'my auntie rocks' shirts! SO cute!!!

Then we met my Mom for lunch at Red Robin

We waited a very long time for our food so after we ate the kids had enough and we left so no singing Happy Birthday to me and no yummy sundae. I treated myself to a piece of my cookie cake once I got home. ;)

Once Jacob got home from work, we went to dinner at Baja, a restaurant in Sandbridge on Back Bay.

Jacob brought me home these pretty roses!!

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Kylie's Reaction to her NEW room!

Here's a video of Kylie seeing her room makeover for the 1st time! She was so excited and loved it!

Follow the link to see the video {copy & paste}:

Kylie's Room Makeover: Part 2

Kylie's room is finally finished! I didn't do anything major; just rearranged the furniture, did some organizing, added new decor to the walls and put up new curtains. 

Here are some pictures of the room....

standing from the door

reading nook {new beanbag} & dress-up stuff to the right

above the bed

'Keep Calm and Dance On'

Her Final Mile Shamrock race shadow box on top {above the beanbag}

Pictures from Disney World {Sept. '12}

above the bookcase

to the right

to the left

I think it turned out super cute and I can NOT wait to show her! I plan on taking a video of her to get her reaction. She knows there is "a" surprise in her room but has no idea that all this has been done. 

Thursday, August 8, 2013

The twins are HERE!!!

My sister gave birth to her twin baby boys today on August 8th. 

Noah Kenneth weighed 5lb 9oz and is 19.6 inches long at 4:48pm.

Jackson Paul weighed 4lb 10oz and is 19.1 inches long at 5:00pm.

Big sister Haylee was so excited to finally meet her baby brothers! And she's a great big sister!