Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Kylie's final report card!

Kylie's final report card was mailed to us and we got it a couple days ago. 

She got three 3's [meets grade level expectations] in: Oral Language, Responding to Literature and Written Communication. She got a 4 [exceeds grade level expectations] in Mathematics. 

She got S's [Satisfactory] in Citizenship, Work habits and she got a S in Music and Music Behavior.

For working so hard and getting a great report card to end the school year, Kylie's treat was a movie from Target!! We are SO proud of her!!! Now she's officially a FIRST grader!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Beach photos

You may have noticed our blog picture has changed! Aren't we so cute?! I was so excited to finally get a good family picture done and loved doing it on the beach. I can't wait to update the photos in our home!

Here are some more I wanted to share!

I LOVE them all!!!! 

Busch Gardens

On Sunday me, Kylie, Haylee and my Mom and Dad went to Busch Gardens. We got there a little after they opened and got right to business! 


The girls had blast and it was not super crowded and the lines weren't that long either, which was surprising. Even Dad & I got to ride a roller coaster with hardly any wait time! 

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day!

HAPPY FATHER'S DAY to my hubby! I made this little collage when each of our babies were born, Kylie on the left and Brayden on the right!

Jacob & Brayden got up early and went crabbing! Jacob said Brayden has a blast and cried when it was time to go. Then they went to lunch at Hooters where Jacob got 10 free wings, Brayden ate them too!

Nicole, Haylee & I met my Mom, Dad and Kylie [she spent the night with them] at Red Lobster for lunch! After we ate, we all went back to Nicole & Dave's to swim in the pool!

HAPPY FATHER'S DAY to my Dad!!!!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Kylie's last day of school!

Today was Kylie's last day of Kindergarten!! I can't believe she's already finished with her first year of REAL school! Boy, do we have many more to go! We are looking forward to the summer, it's her favorite time of the year- she's definitely my water baby! We started summer a day early and went swimming at Nic Nic's pool yesterday.

We were suppose to go to Ocean Breeze today after she got home from school but a cold front came thru and it's in the low 70's and cloudy so instead we met friends for lunch and I took her to Toys R Us to spend a gift card she got for her birthday and got her a new chair for the Living Room.

Kylie has a lot of fun things planned for the summer: swimming lessons, summer camp, Vacation Bible School, and of course Ocean Breeze, the beach, and swimming in pools. She's also going to stay with her great-grandparents for a couple weeks before her new cousins are born. And we are looking forward to family visiting us! 

We are going to enjoy this summer before the Fall comes and things get more crazy and hectic. Kylie will be in FIRST grade and will be at school from 7:30-2:45! Brayden is starting Pre-school and will go Monday & Wednesday from 9am-12pm. And once Nic Nic goes back to work I'll be watching Haylee and the TWINS!!!

Have a great summer!!!! 

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Happy Anniversary!

Today Jacob and I celebrated our 9th wedding anniversary! It's crazy to think we've been married almost TEN years and that we've been together for almost 13 years!! Time flies!

We got a babysitter and went out to dinner to celebrate!

We went to the Melting Pot!

Here is our cheese fondue- yummy!

Our main course. We got chicken, shrimp, steak and lobster.

The best part: the chocolate fondue, it was cookies & creme!

Such a fun night!! <3 p="">