Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Trip to IL & a wedding

On our way to IL!

since we were traveling on Grandma's birthday, Nicole made her brownies and a cupcake and we sang HAPPY BIRTHDAY to her! 

kisses from Aunt Tammy

pretty centerpiece at my cousin, Ashleigh's wedding

the day after the wedding we got a ton of snow! 

we went to Cracker Barrell for lunch before we got snowed in! 

On Monday, we got out for a little bit...
Got lunch at Steak & Shake and did some shopping at Hobby Lobby, of course! 

sweet Reese

The night before we left, Haylee woke up and threw up a bunch but was fine the next day- thank goodness since we were traveling home. Poor Brayden threw up a little bit and just once.

Nana made some buckeyes just for us! 

Unfortunately, some of us didn't escape the bug going around. Dad woke up the next day after we got home, and was hit by it but felt better by the next day. And Nicole and I got it 2 days later. So glad no one else got it!

I wanted to include this picture that Jacob sent to me while I was in IL. She sang on Palm Sunday and looked so pretty in her choir gown!

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