Saturday, February 16, 2013

Brayden's 2nd Birthday Party

For Brayden's 2nd Birthday we did a Mickey Mouse theme since he really likes "mouse"! 

The food...

 Dessert table

Pictures of Brayden over the last year...

Chocolate covered pretzel sticks [I made] and cake pops

Getting a M&M

Big Sissy

Drinks: sweet tea, fruit punch & water bottles [not pictured]

favors: cookies

present time!

bubble lawnmower

t-ball set

tool work bench

Singing Happy Birthday!

I think his party turned out really cute and I had a lot of fun putting it together! 


  1. Oh my, what a cute little man and amazing party! I love all the details. You did everything I wanted to do, but didn't have time to do. Where on earth did you find the little hot dog stand??!

    After Matthew's first bday party and the amount of work that I put into that, I was SO exhausted that I wanted to keep it really simple this year. :)

  2. Sorry, I just saw this! I got the hot dog stand off ebay but found it also at!
