Thursday, July 12, 2012

beach evening

After Nicole got to my house from work we took the kids to dinner at Panera [we ate outside, it was so nice] then went down to the Oceanfront. It wasn't even really all that crazy down there, I try to avoid the Oceanfront during the summer because of all the tourist. And it wasn't hot at all so it was so nice and it was really windy, which was kinda annoying- HA but we still had a nice time!

After we ate dinner, we headed down to the Oceanfront to hear my friend, Kerri sing with her group, the Doorway Singers. We listened for about 10 minutes before the kids were ready to see the beach. I totally forgot that it was Brayden's 1st time at the beach and forgot my nice camera so we had to use Nicole's small one so the pictures aren't all that great. I even thought Brayden might not like the beach but then remembered  he likes to play in our small sandbox at home so he was very excited and dug right in! We didn't go down to the water because we didn't want to leave our strollers & stuff plus there was a red flag because of the wind  so we couldn't even get in the water.

sand all in his hair...
and in his mouth!
It's blurry but rubbing his eyes with his sandy hands- ughh!

We walked down a couple blocks to get some ice cream from Dairy Queen. Then we walked back to hear Kerri sing a couple more songs before going home.

On the way back to the car, Kylie had her hand resting on Brayden's leg and Brayden was holding Kylie's arm... it was so cute & sweet! Nicole said we should take a picture and...
Haylee said "with my hands like this" and we were talking about Brayden & Kylie! Haha So Nicole went ahead and took a picture of Haylee's hands too. :)

We came back to my house and gave the kids a bath before putting them to bed. We'll definitely have to take them back to the beach during the day when they can play in the water! 

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