Friday, July 1, 2011

Brayden update!

Today we took Brayden back to the doctor for a weight check and he gained 12.8 oz in the last 2 weeks!!! The doctor was very pleased with that and she said he showed her he can gain weight so no blood/ lab work was done. She told me to continue with the rice cereal and start adding yellow veggies, which I haven't started yet but will tonight! She also told me that after starting the yellow veggies to add a fruit with his cereal. When I got his new food tonight I went ahead and got him baby oatmeal with bananas, which is better tasting than plain ole' rice cereal.

While we were in IL, I upped his cereal from 2 tbsp to 3 tbsp twice a day. He has done really well with it and opens his mouth like a little birdie with every bite! I hope he does just as well with his new veggies! A new post will be up soon about that!!

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