Friday, May 21, 2010

Kylie's 3 year check-up

Kylie had her 3 year check up with the Pediatrician. She weighs 29lbs, which is a little below average and she's 37 3/4 inches, which is above average- the doctor said she's going to be blessed to be tall & slim! LUCKY!!!

The doctor said she would go over the 3 year old development list to see what Kylie could do. She said she had a feeling Kylie could probably even do some of the 4 year old development list just by listening to her and that she sounds VERY smart! :) She asked me a bunch of "can she do this?", such as: throw a ball overhand, stack blocks, scribble on paper, pedal a tricycle. Then she started asking me things from the 4 year old development list, such as: washing & drying her hands by herself, dressing and undressing herself with a shirt and pants [she can't quite do a shirt by herself], stand on one foot without hanging on- all which she can do! Then she put a piece of paper on the floor and told her to jump over it. The first time she jumped over it she landed on some of the paper. The doctor asked her to do it again and make a real big jump and she did it without touching the paper! Then she had Kylie sit on her lap and the doctor drew a line on a piece of paper and asked Kylie to draw a line, she did it. Then the doctor drew a circle and asked Kylie to draw a circle, Kylie drew a circle but kept circling. The doctor told her and showed her to make a circle but then stop when the line meets and she DID it! The doctor looked at me in shock and just couldn't believe she did it!

After that, she put her on the examing table and looked her over. She said Kylie had a little fluid in one of her ears and to watch it but it could just be from seasonal allergies. I had already told her Kylie was suffering from allergies and she said it's common for this time of the year and gave me another sample of Singular and also called in a prescription for me. She looked her all over and said she was perfectly healthy! And kept going on about how smart she is, how she was really impressed and told me that I definitely could brag to all my friends and family! :)

I had a couple questions to ask her. First, I asked her when I should take Kylie to the dentist and she said now would be a good time so I need to find a pediatric dentist. I'm hoping Jacob's cousin, Shellie can do it because she works at a dental office but not sure if they do children or not there. Also I asked the doctor when I should stop giving her a sippy cup and she said that I can just use a different cup that has a lid but that she doesn't have to suck from. They make cups that kinda look like a travel coffee cup with just the hole at the top so I think we'll switch over to that soon. And I can also use the cups that have straws.

We are SO proud of her and even though she can be a handful at times, she also can be so sweet and we love her more and more each day! We love to hear the things she comes up with and she can be so funny!

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