Monday, January 11, 2010

Pre-School update! [January]

"We have special neighbors.... Community Helpers..."
"Be ready to do whatever is good...." Titus 3:1

I finally got Kylie's school calendar for this month so now I can update about what she'll be doing at school in January! Also, this week it's time to start thinking about the fall and what days Kylie will go to school! It's either M,W,F or T, Th in the 3 year old class. A slip will be sent home this week and you select which days you want- your 1st choice & 2nd choice. Then the last week of January we'll get another slip saying which class your child got into. Please pray Kylie gets into the M,W,F class because that is my first choice!

For the month of January, their color is white and shape is a rectangle. They will also be learning about Community helpers and how they can help us each and every day. For their Bible story time, they will be learning about Jesus, our helper, who teaches us to "be ready to do whatever is good." Titus 3:1

Next Monday, the 18th, is Martin Luther King, Jr Day so there is no school!

1 comment:

  1. you can't see the color...

    and do you still want Dave to come down there? What day is it & time?
