Monday, October 5, 2009

Pre-School update! [October]

October theme-
We can trust and obey God- we can do what is right.
"Trust in the Lord and do good" Psalm 37:3

For the month of October, Kylie is learning about the shape of a triangle and the color of orange. They will also be talking about the changed in the season and why the leaves fall, which will lead into their leaf hunt! Their Bible story for the month will be the story of Noah and they will be learning about some of the animals Noah brought onto the ark.

Some important dates are coming up this month such as Kylie's [FIRST SCHOOL] fall pictures next week! Then the last week of October is the school's Fall Festival that the parents are encouraged to attend- yay!! [Can't wait to bring cupcakes using my NEW cupcake holder!]

I think Kylie is really enjoying school. The past couple of times she has been crying when I came to pick her up. So before school, we talk about no crying. I'll say to her- "You aren't going to cry today, right?". And she'll say "No". And I'll say "Why?". Then she'll say "Mommy come back.... to get you [me]". =] Today, she did good- no crying! She was sitting at the table and when she saw me, she "fake" cried and ran to me and gave me a hug! I think she is just so excited to see me she doesn't know how to deal with her emotions so she just cries [but today she wasn't really crying]. Haha But overall, every morning when it's time to get ready for school aka "church", Kylie is very excited!

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