Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Thanksgiving Feast

Last night Brayden and Haylee had their Thanksgiving Feast at school! The classes came in and sang a couple songs for us.

Brayden is in the front row & Haylee is towards the back left wearing red

Everyone brought something to share to eat and we all enjoyed eating and fellowship. 

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Kylie's report card- 1st quarter

Kylie got her report card today! The grading has changed a little this year, she no longer gets numbers 1-4 in each area. 

She got AP {Advanced Proficient- Consistently demonstrates proficiency; grasps; applies, and extends key concepts, processes and skills}- Oral Language, 2 different areas in Mathematics, 1 area of Music, all areas of Citizenship, Participation, and Productivity.  

She got P {Proficient- regularly grasps and applies key concepts, processes and skills with limited errors}- Reading & Responding to Literature, an area of Written Communication, all of areas in Art, 3 areas of Music, all areas of PE.

And she got a DP {Developing Proficiency- Beginning to grasp and apply key concepts, processes and skills}- an area of Written Communication, dealing with correct capitalization, ending punctuation, and spelling.

Overall, I'm SO proud of her and I know she's been working really hard! We are going to celebrate with ice cream tonight! :)

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Family photos!

I wanted to share our family photos we had taken a couple weeks ago by our sweet friend, Brandi with Immeasurable Moments Photography. The last time we got the whole family together for professional pictures was when Kylie was a baby! So it was due time. 

We are SO happy with how they turned out! 
I didn't include every single one because Christmas cards will be mailed out soon and will include some of these. :)